Coffeeshop Dev

It’s been a while since I’ve gone to a coffee shop to do a bit of dev. I used to go fairly regularly, back when Andy practically lived in Yorks, but now it’s a rarity. A lot of it comes down to living alone, I don’t need to escape to find some peace and quiet. So this weekend I set up shop in Urban Coffee Co and dove into some JavaScript.

I think JS, or more specifically Node, has finally come into it’s age. The “new-ness” is wearing off and there are finally some mature libraries out there to use. I made a quick app to prototype an idea I’ve had for a while.

ES6 has fixed a lot of the holes that have annoyed me in JS for a while. Yes, I get it, you’re a prototypal language, but classes are just a nice mental model for representing domain objects. The downside of using ES6 is either dealing with Node + Traceur, or switching to io.js.

I somehow seem to have found myself in both camps; writing the app to run in io.js (even though I still need to pass in flags) before having to run mocha against node with a compiler. I might just give up and go the node route as (hopefully) io.js will be node sooner rather than later.

Anyway, it was a nice weekend of just bashing out an idea and playing with something other than PHP.

Oh, and I went to a food & beer festival of which I could at least enjoy the poutine.