Icelandic Links

First post in a while. Excuses include Buda, sickness and battling Nazis in my spare time. But anyway, here’s a batch of links to make up for it.

Canvas Conf 2015 – Numero uno, 383’s annual conference is back on. I honestly don’t know how to talk about it without sounding like a marketing shill, so I’ll just say NASA. NASA NASA NASA. Early bird sold out in two days, but the new Lib of Brum has plenty more seats remaining.

When You Give a Tree an Email Address – This is just awesome. Genius. Give an employee in an office an email client and let people talk. Now, if only Birmingham had more trees.

Zynga Analytics at its Peak – Data driven analytics can be very useful (and something we use a lot at 383). But at the same time, as Google found, sometimes basing all decisions on data can be an exercise in frustration.

How I built linkmoji in an hour – That idea kicking around in your head? Make it.

It’s Time for Everyone to Learn About PostCSS – all my recent personal projects, I’ve used no tooling. No SASS, or minifiers or build tools. Not even a linter (which was scary). But maybe I could get on board with using this, write code that will work as is a few years down the line. – A nice tool to get the intermediate certificate for a given chain. Via @Leon.

Getting Ready for PHP 7 – I can’t wait for PHP 7. It’s going to take a while to filter down into the distros when it releases (unless you’re on Arch), but the performance wins are amazing.

Three Dead Protocols – This is great just for a bit of posterity. I wonder what else is out there (and more to the point, what fun could be had)?

Two.js – I’m always a sucker for a new drawing library, and this one has a nice API and pretty good performance.

Securing Go web applications – This article includes a lot of Go-specific libraries, but the advice itself is applicable to all web apps.